A Collaborative Divorce Story

Trial Run: A Collaborative Divorce Story

J.G. Allen


There is no script for how to navigate your way through a divorce. Raised by parents who were in a loving marriage, Allen was provided with the perfect example of a union that would withstand the test of time, yet found herself in a marriage that could not be rescued. Convinced that if her marriage must dissolve there must be a “kinder, gentler way” to end it, she discovered the collaborative process. Allen started writing a journal about her collaborative journey as it was happening, and realized that maybe she had something that could be used to assist others in their own journey.


“This is a practical and from-the-heart story of the collaborative process. The author gets straight to it, lights the way and gives hope to people who want a better process for dissolving their marriage. The wisdom gained from the experience and the reflection over time will be so valuable to anyone contemplating divorce. This is a must read for my clients!”

— Deborah Bennet Berecz, Collaborative Lawyer & Mediator at BERECZ & ASSOCIATES, PLC.

About the Author

Allen has always enjoyed writing; from personal journaling to white papers and even a dissertation, she has a knack for expressing her thoughts and experiences through written word. This is her first attempt to share a more personal story, and hopes that it will help others in realizing there is not only a way to work through a divorce with less angst, but that there can most definitely be happiness on the other side.

J.G. Allen was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and currently resides in southwest lower Michigan with her second husband. She has two grown children and is a university administrator who enjoys skeet shooting, reading, indoor cycling, kayaking, writing and any adventure that involves her husband and their 27-foot Airstream.

Contact J.G. Allen